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Primary 5

Welcome to our Primary 5 web page. Our teachers are:- 

Mrs Grey, Mrs Woods, Miss Spiers and Mrs Glenn.

P5 Contact

Click on the link below to access the list of equipment that you will need for Primary 6:

Our school year ends on Tuesday 30th June. For the final two days of term, there will be no official planner but we have a few optional, fun activities here on our P5 page.
Make sure to catch up on our class novel videos if you haven’t heard the end of the story yet.

Your P5 teachers wish you a fun, restful and most importantly a safe summer and we look forward to seeing you all soon!

Art (Instructions below)

Activity A: Can you create a sea picture with a different pattern in each wave like the example?

Activity B: Draw the sun and make the rays reach the edge of the page. Now draw a different pattern between each pair of rays. Can you spot the piano keys in the example?

Activity C: Use the inside of a roll of tape to draw overlapping circles. Now fill each shape with pattern and colour.

Activity D: Cut a small picture out of a magazine and leaflet. Stick it on a page and complete the picture in whatever way you want!

Activity E: Copy the lines in the example onto a page. Now turn the shapes into a piece of art. What will it become?

Activity F: This example shows 9 shapes/lines that you can turn into little pieces of art. 

PE Activities


Here are some fun 6O second challenges to keep you active!

Why not challenge someone at home to have a go too?

Click on each challenge to make it bigger!


Matilda from P5Gl was a prizewinner in a story competition run by 'Write On'. Her story is called 'The day my toenails spoke' and she has agreed to share it with us. Well done Matilda!

If any of you would like to share your bee, caterpillar or butterfly drawings with the rest of P5, please send them to and they will be posted here!
Click on the link below to explore some ways that we can take care of our mental health during this time of school closure. There are some printable activities at the bottom of the page that you can print off to use at home.

Links to PE and Lego Challenges

Links to useful websites