Caterpillar Watch!
This year’s caterpillar watch is all finished for this year and the butterflies have been released into the garden. We’d just like to say a big thank you to Reuben and his mum Joanne for the wonderful updates and pictures! It was kind of you to share your caterpillar to butterfly experience with us!
Can you look in your garden or the park to see if you can see any butterflies? What colours does it have on its wings? Can you draw it when you get home? Below you will find some butterfly resources that you can complete at home! Enjoy!
Come Outside- Butterflies!
Auntie Mabel and Pippin explore their garden and find a butterfly! Auntie Mabel finds out the name of it and she and Pippin fly in the spotty plane to a butterfly house where they see all different kinds of butterflies, eggs, caterpillars and pupae.
Elmer and Butterfly!
Below you will find a link to author-illustrator David McKee reading Elmer and Butterfly aloud. Please ensure parental guidance as this video may contain adverts.