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Topic, Season, Colour and Shape

This week we are exploring the topics of:


Seaside and Sea life



 As you complete this week’s activities for Nursery, ensure that you are talking about the summer weather, what we wear in summertime and why, what day of the week it is as well as looking at numbers, shapes and colours! This week you will be making fishes, turtles, octopi’s, listening to sealife stories and having lots of fun with some fine and gross motor activities!


Some key vocabulary:


Ice cream, Fish, Turtle, Crab, Starfish

Days of the Week to the tune of the Addams Family

The Weather!


Talk to your child about the weather as it changes day by day. You can discuss yesterday’s weather, today's weather and predict the type of weather your child thinks tomorrow will bring! This is an open ended language activity as you can discuss the colours and shapes you can see, the season and what clothes you need to wear in different types of weather.

Below you will find a super fun weather home learning challenge as well as the weather diary from last week! Enjoy!

Colour Challenge!


We want you to keep looking for BLUE items but this week, your challenge is to find:

  1. Can you paint a fish using blue paints but only by using your fingers to paint it?
  2. Can you find a blue hat or hair accessory to wear for the day?
  3. Can you make blue playdough or blue slime?
  4. Can you wear blue socks or sandals?



This month we are going to recap all the shapes that you have learnt this year in Nursery! Continue to pick one shape for every day of the week to hunt, as well as completing your second recap activity below. Please ensure you choose level one as this activity can be quite difficult. The shapes hexagon and pentagon are included in this game: your child will not have been taught these shapes so your child will need support.
