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Topics, Season, Colour and Shape



This week we are continuing to explore:


Minibeasts and Spring time!


As you complete your activities for Nursery this week, please continue to talk about colours, shapes, patterns and counting. Last week you successfully completed the colour challenge, focusing on BLACK but this week we are setting you 4 new colour challenges! Below you will also find some activities to talk about the days of the week, weather and what time of year it is!


Some Key vocabulary for this week:


Ant, Caterpillar, Centipede, Millipede, Snail, Woodlouse

Days of the Week!


It's important for Nursery children to be aware of and talk about the days of the week- including what day it was yesterday, what day it is today and what day tomorrow is going to be. Here is a fun video to help children learn the days of the week! It's to the tune of 'The Adams Family' so....get singing!

The Weather!


Talk to your child about the weather as it changes day by day. You can discuss yesterdays weather, today's weather and predict the type of weather your child thinks tomorrow will bring! This is an open ended language activity as you can discuss the colours and shapes you can see, the season and what clothes you need to wear in different types of weather.

Colour Challenge!


We want you to keep looking for black items but this week, your challenge is to find:

  1. Can you search for animals with black skin or fur, black stripes or spots? Ants, flies, zebras etc. Find as many as you can and then talk about them- how many legs does it have? Does it have a pattern? Where does it live? Etc.
  2. Can you find a black hat or hair accessory to wear for the day?
  3. Make some black playdough and build a road for your toy cars?
  4. Wear black socks!



For your home learning, you have searched for triangles, rectangles, squares and circles. This week we would like you to be Shape Detectives to find lots of shapes around your house. Then you can sort the shapes into piles- all the triangles together, all the squares together etc.


Below you can see some shape ‘magnifying glasses’ that you can make at home in order to search for the shapes. Then (with the help of parents/carers) you can use masking tape to outline each shape on the carpet and sort all your objects!
