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Tuesday 12th January

Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them.

*Ask an adult to ask you a spelling from yesterday and see if you can remember it!*




Jim and the Beanstalk Story


Jim and the Beanstalk online book- Watch the story


Adjectives- listen to the song on the link below:


Activity 1: Can you think of at least 6 describing words (adjectives) for Jim and 6 for the Giant.

Activity 2: Wanted Poster- Jim is missing!! Can you create a wanted poster including lots of good adjectives to help the Giant find him?

*Remember to include; Name, age, description of appearance, reward and contact details.*


Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo. 





Non-Standard Measuring


The Giant now has his wig, his teeth and his glasses. He now needs gloves for the Winter. Can you find something around your house to help him measure his hand? E.g pasta, dried peas, lego bricks, match sticks etc.

Be careful measuring. Can you send us a photo of you measuring the Giant’s hand?



*Challenge!!!* Keep going with your challenge- 

Can you do something to make your family smile every day this week?

Here are some ideas-

*help make lunch or dinner*

*set the table for dinner*

*tidy your bedroom!!*

*tell each person in your house something you think they are good at* 

*draw a nice picture*

*read a story to someone in your house*
