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Tuesday 23rd February


Welcome back!!! We hope you had a lovely half term! laugh


Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn the first box of spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them. 





Half Term News- Please write at least three sentences about what you did over half term. 

Think about these words when you are writing your sentences- WHAT you did, WHO you did it with, WHERE and WHEN you did it. 

*Extension- can you put a circle around the verbs in your sentences? 

A verb is a doing word.


Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo. 






Mental Maths: Practise counting in 10s forwards and backwards up to 100


Activity: Tens and Units book page 9 & 10 (Count by tens & Match the peanuts)





Messages of Hope

The theme this week is ‘Friends are Heroes’. Friends are very important so this week we would like you to create artwork for a friend!



A photo of the artwork should be sent to as usual. 





This week can you have less screen time and get outside to play more! Can you see any signs of spring?

