Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them.
Activity 1- Is and Are
Remember you use is for singular- he is, she is, Jane is.
You use are for plural- we are, they are, Ben and Jim are.
Activity 2- Put is and are in the correct place.
Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo.
Mental Maths:
Count orally in 5s and 10s up to 100
It’s Time for Time: Page 6 & 7 (Length of TV programmes)
Messages of Hope
The theme this week is ‘NHS Heroes’. The children should draw a picture/create some artwork to say thank you to the amazing NHS workers who are working so hard during the pandemic. It could be a personal piece of artwork for someone known to the child or a more general poster.
A photo of the artwork should be sent to kpmessagesofhope@gmail.com as usual.
This week can you do one or more of these things-