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VE Day


We know that you celebrated VE Day on the 8th May but we usually have a VE day celebration in school. You could have your very own VE Day/end of project celebrations.

Send us some photographs – we’d love to see you having fun.

You could - have a picnic in the garden, make bunting, posters, flags, put on some WW2 music and have a dance.

VE Day: How Great Britain celebrated 75 years ago

Europe is preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazis and the end of World War II on Friday 8 May. At 3pm on 8 May 1945, British P...

Churchill's victory speech and Red Arrows flypast - VE Day 75 - BBC

You could have a WW2 picnic in your garden - remember there's a war going on and food rationing has been introduced. What can you pack in your picnic?

Have a WW2 dance party!! You could try the Lindy Hop!

Wartime Dancing (WWII)

Glen Miller .... In The Mood
