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Wednesday 13th January

Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them.

*Ask an adult to ask you a spelling from yesterday and see if you can remember it!*





Adjectives continued-


BBC Bitesize- Adjectives link


Activity 1: 'Which Adjective'- Choose the best adjective from the box to finish each sentence.

Activity 2: 'Giant'- Use the picture and adjectives listed to help you write a description of this Giant. Remember to write in full sentences.

Activity 3: What is an Adjective? 



Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo. 






Drawing and Measuring the Giant-


Can you find a large piece of paper or an old cardboard box around your house?

Now draw your own Giant and use him to help you complete the Non Standard unit measuring page.

We will send further instructions through Dojo.


Extension: Find something else in your house to measure the length.



*Challenge!!!* Keep going with your challenge- 

Can you do something to make your family smile every day this week?

Here are some ideas-

*help make lunch or dinner*

*set the table for dinner*

*tidy your bedroom!!*

*tell each person in your house something you think they are good at* 

*draw a nice picture*

*read a story to someone in your house*
