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Wednesday 27th January


Spellings and Numberfacts- Please learn today's spellings and numberfacts and ask an adult to test you to see if you remember them.

*Ask an adult to ask you a spelling from yesterday and see if you can remember it!*






Activity 1- Write a book review about the story ‘Jim and the beanstalk’ remember to include who the main characters are. A summary is a brief outline of what happened in the book. 


Activity 2- Design a new cover for the book.


Here is a link to the story-



Reading- Your teacher will send your reading on Dojo. 






Mental Maths:

Shape Patterns



My Shape Booklet: page 5, 6 and 7 (Flowers, Pentagons and Hexagons and Match)









Can you challenge yourself to do these exercises every day this week

  • 10 star jumps
  • 10 sit ups
  • 5 push ups
  • jump as high as you can 10 times

Send your teacher some pictures of you working out!!



