Wednesday 6th January
Literacy My Christmas News- please write a minimum of 3 sentences about what you did over your Christmas holidays. Be a News Reader- After you have written your News, upload a video of you reading your sentences and send to your teacher on your Dojo Portfolio. *Extension* Can you colour the Nouns in your sentences red and the Verbs blue? Nouns= naming word Verb= doing word
Don’t forget to draw a picture underneath and practise your neatest handwriting. |
Maths Daily 10
Magic Number 10- How many ways can you make 1o with 2 numbers? How many ways can you make 10 with 3 numbers? How many subtraction sums can you make where the answer is 10? Using coins, how many different ways can you make 10p? Memory Game- Ask an adult to set out 10 objects. After one is taken away, can you guess what the missing object is?